Date of exile of SHRI RAM -It is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayan's Ayodhya Kand (2/4/18) that Dashratha wanted to make Shri Ram the king becasue Sun,Mars and Rahu had surrouned his nakshatra and normally under such planetary configuration the king dies or becomes a victim of consipiracies.Dashratha's zodiac sign was pisces and his star was Rewati. This planetary configuration was prevailing on Jan-05,5089 B.C.and it was on this day that Shri Ram left Ayodhya for 14 years of exile. Thus he was 25 years old at the time (5114-5089) There are several sholkas in Valmiki Ramanyan which indicate that Shri Ram was25 years old when he left Ayodhya for exile.Valmiki Ramayan refer to the solar eclipse at the time of war with Khardushan in later half of the 13th year of Shri Ram's exile. It is also mentioned it was amavasya day and Mars was in the middle.When this data was fed into the computer, the eclipse on October7,5077B.C.(amayasya day) which could be seen from Panchvati.The planetary configuration was also the same _ Mars was in the middle , on one side were Venus and Mercury and on the other side were Sun and Saturn. On the basis of planetary configurations described in various other chapters, the date on which Ravana was killed works out to be December 4, 5076 B.C. and Shri Ram had come back to Ayodhya at the age of 39(5114-5075B.C.) In Valmiki Ramanyan it is stated that Shri Ram's army constructed a bridge over the sea between Rameshwaram and Lanka. Recenly, NASA put pictures on the Internet of man made bridge(ADAM BRIDGE), the ruins of which are lying submerged in Palk strait between Rameshwaram and Lanka. We need to proud of the fact that Maharishi Valmiki was perhaps the first great astronomer and that his study of planetary configurations has sood the test of time . Even the latest conputer software have corroborated to his astronomical calculations.Shri Ram's army, which succeeded in defeatin Ravana was formed by various triblals from Central and South India.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
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